The U.S. Cannabis Spot Index increased 1.3% to $1,026 per pound.
In grams, the Spot price was $2.26.
At $1,026 per pound, the U.S. Spot Index is down 4.7% this year and averaging $1,024 per pound. The low of $991 and the high of $1,072 were established just two weeks apart, on March 8th and March 22nd, respectively. Year-to-date, the U.S. Spot Index has remained in an $81 range. For the same period last year, the Index averaged $986 and spanned a range of $92 (with a low of $952 and a high of $1,044).
Indoor and outdoor flower prices moved nominally, up 0.4% and down 0.4%, respectively. The price of greenhouse flower decreased $7, or 1%, to $747 per pound.
May 2024 Implied Forward unchanged to close at $1,040 per pound.
At $1,040 per pound, the May Implied Forward represents a premium of 1.3% relative to the current U.S. Spot Price of $1,026 per pound.
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